Signs, signs...
Canopy Fail
(part 1)
The pool people really should stake these- this one blew right into kids coming out of the water slides.
Storm took out our canopy. Again!
Once they are recycled, I suppose they do all sorts of things with them!
I got lost recently, the dirt roads getting dirtier by the quarter mile, but decided it was time to turn around when...
the NRA signs came out.
I have nothing against the NRA. But I'm scared of NRA members with cars on blocks, fridges on their porch, dogs on chains, and the first thing they say is, "You ain't from 'round here, are ya?"
Finally, a whole box to myself!
Hey!!! What's with the fake side panels in my box of mints?
From the fastest deer...
She sleeps like this all the time, right next to the tires.
It never fails to scare the hell out of me.
At Kid's Day, the Raptor Center had owls to observe. I asked a nearby little girl if the owls brought the mail for the Raptor Center. She looked confused.
"Like in Harry Potter?" I prompted
Her grandmother, who was with her, said sharply,
"We don't do Harry Potter. We believe in Jesus and accepting Him into our hearts as our Savior- not Harry Potter!"
A good comeback might have been,
But we couldn't find two more Chihuahuas.
Kids will make their own toys...
And then use them to launch sharpened sticks at each other.
They won't sell music with explicit language,
but in the toy department you can buy
Pussy Galore! (yes, they use her name on the box!)
This was right outside my bedroom door. Everyone who sees it says, "Chipmunk", but the animal is almost a foot long. So I'm going to go with "Baby Groundhog".
Any CSI Wildlife Division fans want to chime in on this?