Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Journey to the Center of the Birth

Sonya and Christian are expecting their third child, and we threw a baby shower for them.
Now, I don't normally go in for those "baby word jumble" types of games. I usually choose an elegant venue and have fantastic food, or we have a Blessing Way, where we wash the Mother's feet and make a "belly mask" by casting her large pregnant belly in plaster.
I wasn't sure how Sonya would feel about these activities. I knew she'd want Christian there, and possibly the kids, so I opened it up to everyone, and chose a Sci-Fi theme.

First, pregnant people need to sit down, so we took comfy chairs. My brother made a "redneck minivan" and delivered them for us!

My favorite sci-fi birth scene is from Men In Black, where Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones encounter an alien couple and the woman is having a baby. I decided to recreate this scene on a cake.

I started with a car (bought during the Banana Suit Incident of 2010), and an action figure painted to look like he's wearing a suit. I was told the action figure resembled Chris Rock and Ludacris (and possibly a Wayan brother?) more than Will Smith, but walmart's selection of black action figures is surprisingly limited.
(Besides, in the movie, you can clearly see the stunt double is white.)

I also used wire, gummi caterpillars, the above pic is chocolate for the road... lots of green sprinkles...
The road broke when I put it on the cake!
testing it out...
Finished cake!

At the party we played sci-fi themed games, such as
Tribble Transport

Automatic Baby Writing- a game where everyone put a paper plate on their head and had 60 seconds to draw what they thought Sonya's baby would look like:

The winning plate:

Quadrotriticale Confusion- the goal of this game to to separate small safety pins from a bowl of long-grain rice, while blindfolded:
This game looks so easy and is actually the hardest of them all. Maggie was a great sport after we forced her to play.

The messiest, and thus the last game was called
There is No Spoonfeeding- A 'mommy' had to feed baby food to the 'baby', both blindfolded. The 'baby' in this game wore a protective cover made from a trash bag. We played this game in teams, and the team that emptied their jar won.

Everyone had a great time, Sonya got lots of great baby loot.
And I can add the Men in Black "Congratulations, Reg. It's a... squid." cake to my portfolio.

Congratulations, Sonya and Christian!

1 comment:

  1. This was a great party, Lisa. the kids are still talking about it!
