Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swept Off My Feet

Ron took the kids skiing today. So, with my "day off", I caught up on the laundry, baked cookies, loaded/ ran the dishwasher, and swept the kitchen floor.
While sweeping the floor, I felt a sharp pain in the sole of my foot. I assumed I stepped on a sharp crumb or lego piece. Whatever it was, it was in something slippery. I lifted my foot off the offending item, and saw nothing sharp on the floor beneath my foot, but saw I had definitely stepped in some dripped fruit syrup. I'd bought a bottle of organic cherry syrup, and of course the kids had gotten into it. I took a step, still focused on sweeping, and the pain came back. I looked at the bottom of my foot, and saw the cherry syrup staining my skin.
At first glance, it looked like blood- a lot of blood!
I limped over to a chair, with an old rag to wipe off my foot, so I wouldn't track syrup all over the kitchen, and also to see what was hurting my foot.
While I wiped off the cherry syrup, I looked down and noticed that they had dripped the syrup next to the table. In fact, there were syrup drips all over the floor.
I was so angry.
Number one, what a huge mess to leave for me!
And number two, that stuff's expensive!
I looked back at my foot and realized I'd been so distracted that I'd forgotten to wipe it off.
I wiped the syrup off and examined my foot closely. A moment later, I was surprised to see more cherry syrup on the sole of my foot, dripping onto the floor.

I tried applying direct pressure, but it hurt. There was definitely something in my foot.
With a little digging and a few deep breaths, I was able to extract a shard that I'm sure I saw used in the movie The Dark Crystal.
To spare you the bloody pics, I rinsed it off, and set it next to my rings, so you can see the size.
I still had to clean up the floor, and finish sweeping, but I did so wearing boots.

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