Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Samaritan

I was awakened this morning by a ringing phone. The caller ID read "Ohio", and though my Ohio kin was out of the country on vacation, I answered it.

A male voice said, "This is Bruce Trimber*. Do you know Matthew Wain?"

(Oh god, Oh god, Oh god... My sister's boyfriend. Oh god.)

"Yes. Yes, I do."

"Is this... [a pause, as if reading] Diana's sister?" he asked.

(Oh god, Oh god, Oh god. Plane crash? Boating accident? Car accident? Terrorist attack? Kidnapping?)

"It is." (gulp... heart racing)

"I was in an airport in Atlanta and found a wallet on the floor belonging to Matthew Wain. It had all the cash and credit cards inside. I looked and saw he lived near where I live, in Columbus. What are the odds? And so I kept ahold of it. There was a card inside with 'Diana's Sister' and this phone number. I didn't know who else to call."

"Oh- wow!- Yes, Matt and Diana live together. I'm her sister. It's fine that you called me. Thank you!" I stammered.

"My gosh, I didn't want to turn it in, with the cash in it, you know? I was afraid they might take the cash out, and spend the credit cards until the darn things got canceled. But I had this other flight to catch."

"That's, yes, that's very kind of you to keep it safe." I replied.

"Well, I was just thinking if I lost my wallet in an airport, that I'd hope an honest person would pick it up, you know? Let me give you my cell, so they can reach me."

"Sure. Go ahead!" I reached for a pen.

"Now, if they get my voicemail, it's because I'm in a meeting all day, but they should leave a message, and I'll call them back." he assured.

I got his info, and texted my sister, "Matt lose his wallet?"

She was quite confused, and wondering how on earth I knew that.

So I called her, and explained the whole thing, laughing.
She was extremely grateful to know that Matt wouldn't have to go through the pain of cancelling/ replacing the entire contents of his wallet.

I was extremely grateful they had a good time and made it home safe.

*- name changed to protect the good-hearted.

On a side note, what's up with me being "Diana's Sister"?
I do have a name , you know!

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